
Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm forever you,faithfully.

First; sorry it's been awhile.
Second; I missed you all.
Third; I swear I'll catch up on blogs.(:
*& I missed Abbers! Hope you had a lovely time.(:
So tell me what you've been up too.
Me, just ball games, tanning, looking at summer nights, talking to Matt.
Ah, the Nuge.(:
So What's Up?


  1. are you back to him again? seriously? lol.
    & i missed you. yes i had a lovellly time! i'll be putting myrtle beach pics up not my next post but the next.
    5 more posts 'till my 100th!!!!
    and you know what i'll be doing for my 99th post. (hint: you've been nagging me to do it all year.)

  2. We all have to take breaks sometimes. My summer's going good, yours sounds like it is too!

  3. Sweetie. How are you? I'm good. Just the same old routine. Work, friends, Brenton, family, parks.
    Wait. Are you back with Matt?. :)
    All my love.



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Thankies guys,(: